With this publication, to which artists and other authors from the Netherlands and abroad have contributed, choreographer and dancer Anne-Beth Schuurmans hopes to provide insight into the relatively less-known genre of 'theatre for the very young,' From dance and choreography, scenography, and music, the work with and for the very young (0-4 years) is illuminated in various ways.
The articles demonstrate how live art contributes to the emancipation and development of both children and artists. The publication also challenges adult spectators (parents and attendants, laypeople and professionals in the arts and education) regarding their views on what dance and theater are, and for whom they are intended. The idea that one must be highly educated or an experienced spectator for interdisciplinary theater, experimental dance, and music is debunked.
Interdisciplinary Theater for the Very Young addresses concrete artistic practices, but also provides societal and theoretical frameworks for reflection and analysis. It is written in a language understandable to everyone.